Sunday, August 14, 2011

I was born to survive

Fall is in the air...I can feel it.  With the sensing of Fall comes the eagerness for the term to get underway,  my friends to return to school, and the changing of the leaves.  With Fall comes fun and exciting changes to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston!  Chihuly has come to a successful close!  The final weekend was a whirlwind and I don't know how I survived it!  Beer certainly followed to decompress from the demanding, though generous public!

Degas is replacing Chihuly and opens in early October!  It's about his nude studies, which is a nice change from the standard ballet scenes!  ALSO the Contemporary Art Wing (Linde Family Wing) opens September 9th!! CRAZY!  I'm extremely excited for the opening.  Lots of event plans are underway!

Post-Chihuly feels weird at the museum.  From selling 70+ memberships one week to hopefully three the next, it's a blow for sure.  But the crowds will pick up again hopefully soon!

I've received two of my required textbooks for the Fall term; Digital Preservation and my Photographic Archives book.  Still waiting for Database Management to be listed!  With new books, and school supplies going on sale, I can't wait for this semester to start!  It's going to be jam-packed with my job, three classes, and my extended (that's right, I get to stay!) internship in Digital Image Resources!!  I'll be able to manage it all, I have before.  Will this effect any possibility of getting back out there on the "market"? Absolutely.

I'm still so torn up about this relationship's end, the thought of trying again anytime soon just makes me nauseous.  With everyday the healing gets better, then I have a day where I feel as if I took ten steps back and want to stay in bed all day.  Luckily Stella has been such a blessing and gives me all of the unconditional love that I need in order for me to get on with my day, and hopefully someday my life.  I made the biggest step so far a few weeks ago: I put as much as I could in a box, shirts, small sentiments, etc, and mailed them all back with a letter truly expressing my emotions about this split.  One big boulder fell off my shoulders immediately.  Moving forward felt easier, and it still does for the most part.  I feel worse when I don't have something to do. (hence why I'm stoked for the semester to begin to make me crazy busy!)  My friends continue to amaze me with their over abundance of love and attention.  I don't deserve it all but they insist :-)

My apartment is coming together nicely.  IKEA is my new best friend :-) I am continuously meeting some of my neighbours and feel as if this place was fate. 

I'm baking a pizza and it's ready! YUM!
Until next time!